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- Tags: United States--Army--Army, 3rd
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Harold Ayers interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Ayers served as a first lieutenant in a medical unit and witnessed the liberation of Buchenwald. Place of interview: Atlanta, Georgia.
Captain John Henry Baker Jr. interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Captain Baker served with Company B, 260th Infantry [Regiment] of the 65th Division of the 3rd Army and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf and Mauthausen. Location of interview: Savannah, Georgia.
William R. Barton interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Barton served as a technical sergeant with the 222nd Infantry [Regiment], 42nd Division (medical detachment) and witnessed the liberation of Dachau. Location of interview: Atlanta, Georgia.
The entrance to Mauthausen with a banner reading "...Espanoles Antifacitas... Saludan a las Fuerzas Liberadoras..."
Content Note: The banners hang from the top of the wall. It reads "The Spanish Anti-Fascists Salute the Liberating Forces" and was hung after the Second Armored Division of the Third Army liberated the camp. The main doors to the camp are closed. …
Franklin Lee Clark interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Clark served with the 3rd Army, Headquarter Battery, 11th Armored Division Artillery, and witnessed the liberation of Mauthausen in Austria. Location of interview: Cartersville, Georgia.
Aaron Cohn interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Cohn served with the 3rd Army, 3rd Calvary, 20th Corps, and witnessed the liberation of Ebensee. Location of interview: Columbus, Georgia.
Kenneth William Cotton interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Cotton served as a 5th Grade Technician with the 62nd Armored Infantry Battalion of the 14th Armored Division and was near Birkhausen and the prisoner of war camp at Moosburg soon after liberation. …
Major General George T. Duncan interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Duncan served with the 65th Infantry Division and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf. Location of interview: Atlanta, Georgia.
George E. King interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. King served with a tank unit of the 11th Armored Division, 3rd Army, and witnessed the liberation of Mauthausen. Place of interview: Penbroke Farms, Florida.
Frank F. Hamburger, Jr., interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Hamburger served with Company C, 260th Infantry Regiment, 65th Infantry Division and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf. Location of interview: Columbus, Georgia.