Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. Additional caption text: "Thses [sic] had put on civilian clothing." Four liberators stand over the corpses of two SS guards. One of the liberators is photographing the corpses. The clothing on the…
Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. A liberator walks between the rows of prisoner corpses prepared for burial. The bodies have been wrapped in white cloths and have a white stake leaning against them. Behind the rows of corpses…
Content Note: Title from caption on reverse. Townspeople dig a row of individual graves with shovels. In the background, a row of white stakes that may mark other graves are visible. Numbered 43 on the reverse.
Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. A line of liberators files past a row of corpses of prisoners laid out for burial. Each corpse has a white stake laid on it. Numbered 49 on the reverse.
Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. A liberator stands amid the corpses of prisoners laid out for burial. He has his rifle slung over his shoulder. The corpses are in rows with white stakes laid on top of them. White cloths are…
Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. Two liberators walk past large piles of ashes and bones near a line of trees. Numbered 51 on the reverse.
Content Note: Title from caption on the reverse. A liberator, his rifle slung over his shoulder, squats down to pose with the corpse of a prisoner. He has a cigarette in his mouth and is not wearing his helmet. The corpse is on a path with a low…
Content Note: Title from caption on reverse. A scaffold near barrack 19. Some clothing hangs from the branch of a tree behind the scaffold. Numbered 44 on the reverse.
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Captain Baker served with Company B, 260th Infantry [Regiment] of the 65th Division of the 3rd Army and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf and Mauthausen. Location of interview: Savannah, Georgia.