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- Tags: United States--Army--Army, 3rd
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"Fred Mercer, Co. B, 69th Sig. Bn., XX Corps, 3rd Army" [Ohrdruf]
Content Note: Title from writing on reverse. Fred Mercer poses between two Army jeeps. A large group of American troops are gathered behind the jeeps. Numbered 116 on the reverse.
Aaron Cohn interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Cohn served with the 3rd Army, 3rd Calvary, 20th Corps, and witnessed the liberation of Ebensee. Location of interview: Columbus, Georgia.
Bert Weston interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Weston served with the 30th Field Hospital, 20th Corps, 3rd Army, and witnessed the liberation of Ebensee. Location of interview: Atlanta, Georgia.
Captain John Henry Baker Jr. interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Captain Baker served with Company B, 260th Infantry [Regiment] of the 65th Division of the 3rd Army and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf and Mauthausen. Location of interview: Savannah, Georgia.
Denton Harris interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Harris served with the 86th Infantry Division (Intelligence Reconnaissance) and witnessed the liberation of a work camp near Inglestadt on the Danube River and of a medieval castle used as a camp. …
Dr. Lawrence G. Thouin interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Thouin served with the commanding officer of the 62nd Armored Infantry Battalion Medical Detachment, 14th Armored Division, Third Army, and witnessed the liberation of several boxcars near Buchenwald…
Frank F. Hamburger, Jr., interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Hamburger served with Company C, 260th Infantry Regiment, 65th Infantry Division and witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf. Location of interview: Columbus, Georgia.
Franklin Lee Clark interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Clark served with the 3rd Army, Headquarter Battery, 11th Armored Division Artillery, and witnessed the liberation of Mauthausen in Austria. Location of interview: Cartersville, Georgia.
Fred Mercer interview
Content Note: Transcript of an audio recording. Mercer served with the 'B' Company, 69th Signal Battalion, 20th Corps of the 3rd Army and witnessed the liberation of Buchenwald. Location of interview: Warner Robins, Georgia.
General Eisenhower watches survivors demonstrate how they were tortured [Ohrdruf]
Content Note: Caption text from separate sheet: "Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, watches grimly while occupants of a German concentration camp at Gotha demonstrate how they were tortured by the Nazi sadists operating the camp. …